How do I print?


Current students need their Triton ID to print and will log in to the printing system using their MyTriton Portal username and password. New student ID cards may be obtained at the Triton College Welcome Center located in the B Building.

Other library patrons can print and copy using a guest card, available for purchase at the Cashier's Office located in the B Building.


Print Instructions

  1. Print your document at any of the computers located in the Library. No login to the desktop computer is required. Make sure you are downloading or saving documents using Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge when you are printing.   


  1. When prompted by the print command pop-up box, be sure that the printer is set to the CannonSecurePrint. (see figure a below) 




  1. When prompted by the print command, you will see a “Confirm User Name” pop-up box, enter your username for MyTriton Portal. (See figure b below) 

    • Your username is your first name + last name (or whatever has been assigned to you) without For example, Jane Smith would be janesmith (all lowercase, no space). Further instructions are available on MyTriton Portal.  




  1. Go to any of the printers in Printer’s Row (yes, you can print at any of the printers) in the Library and swipe your student ID card at the black card reader located next to the printer. Wait for the beep! 

  2. AT THE PRINTER, log in with your MyTriton Portal username and password. 

    • Your username is your first name + last name (or whatever has been assigned to you) without 

    • Your password is the first letter of your first name + first three letters of your last name + birth date in a six digit month, day, year format.  

    • For example: John Smith’s birthday is on July 1, 1990, so his password would be entered as jsmi070190.  

Your printing account is set up!  

For printing requests, swipe your student ID at the black card reader next to the printer, and you will automatically be signed into your printing account. 

  • Last Updated Dec 10, 2024
  • Views 351
  • Answered By Librarians

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